Going from A to B

Today was really interesting, we had to come up with and design a game in 20 minutes as a pair, with the basic theme of "Going from A to B" it could be anything physical we could make such as card/board games.

After coming up with an initial idea (a board game with a single die) we play tested the game to see if it worked and came up with some basic rules, it was really difficult coming up with something and then defining rules within the allocated time but this is what we had at that point:

(Apologies for the camera picture - no scanner)

So the basic idea was this: players need to get from the edges (point A) to the center (point B) and had to do this by moving left or right to a different dot (door) to the one they started on.. it's a little confusing to explain!

After playing with other people who gave us feedback, we iterated on our initial design, adding dueling when two players encountered each other, redesigning the board for easier play and adding directional arrows (even rolls move right, odd move left) , we also added colours to each "base" to make it easier to recall where you started.

The final thing we added were things on the board such as 'Miss a Go' and 'Swap with green player' because people found that after getting near to the end it was easy to win, so these additions made it harder or gave it a mix up.

I'm quite proud of the point we got to considering we had around half an hour on it with our initial time and iterating. At one point because we were using Star Wars monopoly figures as counters we said the scenario was a drunken trip home from the star wars canteen!

Our next assignment is the same sort of thing but the theme is "Whats mine is yours". At first I thought about something along the lines of snap where stealing each others cards is the aim of the game, however something shared instead could be an interesting approach!


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